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Removed Pistols in the removed gamemodes in the private server part because its already on the Public rotation. It was changed into Laser Tag. plz don't use it to muchIf so ill put mine've tried to join multiple private servers, but it isn't letting me. My friend is having this issues as well. are you guys having this issue too?Their profile pic ill use itIll leave their channel linkLook are your favourite private server exclusive/removed gamemodes? Comment them below! mobile hitboxesRemove demotionMake the ace pilot skin more commonMake crates cheaperMake cases cheaperGive more battle bucks per roundActually ban hackersRemove meleesMake the Dual Volcanics reload time slowerRemove announcersRemove weapon skinsMake an X-Box exclusive skinMake buying battle bucks with robux cheaperRemove the Mechanical Marvels bundleRemove the Sports Stars bundleRemove the practical positions bundleRemove the code TROLLFACEMake a Snowball exclusive gamemodeMake a Water balloon exclusive gamemodeBan anybody with more than 100 skinsMake 20's filter permanent for all gamemodesMake VIP servers freeGive purple team to VIP server owners (in their vip server)Add content more oftenRemove the Micro UzisMy opinion. Thoughts?To get 1,5 k BC for prem battle pass .Cuz im tired of such glamour retardsSo this must be done on a VIP server.There must be an even amount of players on the blu and red teamEveryone in server must have a skin from TC2There can only be two people with the same skin (example, two flankers, two brutes, two agents , and etc).The winning team gets to taunt the other team, while the losing team must stand there with shame.The game mode suggested for this challenge is Typical Colors 2 game modeDoes anyone have a vip server that i can use i want to do some of the vip server only gamemodes. thanks!Ps. my username is yaymoo_moo or at least its my alt's because for whatever reason when my name gets searched in roblox its censored so my main is the only friend on my alt.I am sadI have seen many people post links to their vip servers in the wiki. But i cant join since i only play on mobile.:(VIP SERVER COME GET IT HOT RIGHT NOW LINK: Extreme mining privateServerLinkCode=i00oDzF5kiIPyhxhiAfuQTG-8Fn--KYFFriend me to gain access to my server request start now my friend don’t need to worry plenty of space (Limit:19]! Username: nubnoobsly. Wow servers all over