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Ring Fit Adventure is perhaps the very last game I ever thought I’d end up describing as Nintendo’s greatest triumph but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. When the game was first released last year I took barely any notice, dismissing it as an expensive novelty for fitness fanatics in much the same way I did with Wii Fit. I always appreciate Nintendo’s attempts to reach out to new audiences, but it just didn’t seem have any relevance to me. Then came the lockdown. While you’re traversing the level (which you do by jogging on the spot, as your character runs along a fixed path) you can also squeeze of pull on the ring, which blows or sucks air respectively. As you’re progressing, you can move the ring around, and interact with the area, blowing apart things or sucking in items, such as money or power-up items. Ring Fit Adventure is perhaps the very last game I ever thought I’d end up describing as Nintendo’s greatest triumph but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. When the game was first released last year I took barely any notice, dismissing it as an expensive novelty for fitness fanatics in much the same way I did with Wii Fit. I always appreciate Nintendo’s attempts to reach out to new audiences, but it just didn’t seem have any relevance to me. Then came the lockdown. Deciding to buy Ring Fit Adventure for your Nintendo Switch is a smart move right now. Not only is the Ring Fit Adventure price a heck of a lot cheaper than that gym membership you'll barely use, but you can do it all from home, at your own pace, with only the family pets wondering what's happening. It's a seriously popular item right now as the Cyber Monday gaming deals are in full swing.